Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Firstly, congratulations must go o everyone who has had anything to do with the racing over the last six weekends in a row as the club won the coveted most successful club prize for the series for a fourth year in a row (results below). It isn’t simply the members who put their oars in the water, it’s also the support we as coaches and athletes receive from everyone, special mention to Brian Webb who has dealt with last minute changes and problems in a very professional way.

As you all know, the club survives on funding generated by the membership (as well as hard-fought grants occasionally for equipment), but there is the opportunity for the club to raise funds on December 20th at Sainsbury’s Arnison Centre from 10am – 4pm. I have noticed that there has been minimal signups on the Google sheet that collates the interest and considering our healthy membership we need to address this asap. Please sign up as you usually do for events via the link below, it is much appreciated.

On the 26th November the club is looking to enter Rutherford Head. The entries closed one month before the race date, which is something that I have never seen happen before. Our entries for the morning have all but been rubber stamp accepted but I will let you know asap if this is the case. There are no allowances for J15’s to race and we only may have three mens 8’s with some juniors in and 2 4x’s. The race is at 10.30am.

Planning for the Junior Inter-Regional Team trials is currently in the planning stage with the coaches with the trial happening at Cambois ARC on Sat 11th Feb 2017. This is for j14-16 only and these crews will provide a clear focus for the junior squads till the new year. Please make your child’s coach aware if they cannot make the trial, though link to sign up will appear shortly.

The training programs for all squads for this month are now published on the Facebook groups.

Finally, congratulations to Dan Middleton, Eve Larsen, Bobbi Forster and Andrew Cairns (Berwick, adopted CLS arc :)) have all achieved the GB erg cut-off and will trial over 5k at Boston a week on Saturday.

