Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Huge congratulations must go to all of those who were involved in the racing over the weekend. At Durham Small Boats Head, the club managed eight wins with many of those who have been working towards the inter-regional trial on Saturday doing well. I was very impressed by our newer crews who raced, both old and young and there were many disappointed coaches who saw our name on the draw and told me that our crews were brilliant.

Congratulations to Caitlin Warren, Louise Southward and Roman Bowery who represented the club at the English Indoor Championships on Sunday. Caitlin won Gold, Roman the Silver and Louise fifth in some very strong fields. It’s not easy to race in two different postcodes in 48 hours and still be successful.

There is a regatta meeting on Wednesday of this week at 7pm at the club in an effort to sign-up volunteers to help the various teams organise and run the event on 30th April. Please would anyone interested in helping out in any way turn up tomorrow.

The Junior Inter-Regional Regatta Trials take place at Cambois this Saturday and our entries are attached. Please turn up one and a half hours before your race time and as early as you can for a team talk. I will post a race plan and a map of the course. Please follow the link below for directions to the club.

The session at the Hermitage tonight will be 3 x 2k with a 2 min rest for the boys.
