Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

If you hadn’t heard the great news already, the club did very well and after a long day at Durham small boats head we have come away with an enormous 14 event wins a great achievement when it’s only 1 division over the whole day! A massive well done to the J13 boys who are some of our youngest members getting a first win today!

Well done to the following winners:

  • J16 4x-
  • Masters C/D 4x+
  • WJ15 4x+
  • J13 4x+
  • WJ18 2x
  • J15 2x
  • WJ16 2x
  • W open 2x
  • Open 1x-Adamson
  • J18 1x- Adamson
  • J15 1x – Bowery
  • WJ18 1x- Larsen
  • W open 1x- Forster
  • WJ16 1x – Hall

The Junior Inter-regional Regatta trials information was released last night and the draw with boating times is attached. Please be at Cambois at least 1 hour 15 minutes before the boating time and ensure you are ready to race well, be wrapped up and look after yourselves this week. De-rigging will take place on Thursday night and trailer loading on Friday afternoon.

The club runs a smaller session on a Sunday afternoon for those who are learning to row, if any juniors are free or need some DofE work doing, this is ideal. Let Craig or Louise know or just stay down after the session on a Sunday.

There is no Hermitage session this week, so we will start at he usual time of 7pm and finish slightly earlier at 8.30 at the club as we did last week. Next week, mock exams are over so we will return to the Hermitage as usual.

Next week, the club takes no less than 6 athletes to the j16 GB and junior 18 trials at Boston for the second round. Having that many athletes and all having a chance to perform very well is testament to how much the club has moved on over the last few years; wish all of the scullers luck.

There is a regatta meeting tomorrow night at 7pm in the boathouse to plan the event which takes place in April. I have been informed that it shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes…

Finally, last week I informed the club in my email that Bob Young had received a regional volunteer award, little did he know that he was going to Henley to get a Lifetime Achievement Award from British Rowing, greatly deserved I am sure you will all agree.
