Head coach weekly update

Sessions on as usual this week aside Tuesday which starts at 5 and Thursday which starts at 4.

The club is having the steps repaired this week so there may be difficulty in accessing the landing but we should be able to get most boats afloat.

The club now has two launches which have been used this week and in effect there will be more safety cover and more coaches on the river making the rowers go faster.

Volunteers still needed for the regatta; please see a message below from Brian Webb:

Our regatta is nearly here, in order for it run smoothly we need volunteers to help on the day. Therefore a couple of meetings have been arranged.

Regatta meeting on Wednesday 4th April at 7pm.

For those helping with marshalling on the day I will be holding a briefing session on Sunday 8th April at 10am. Can you please sign up to help, the rota is on the wall opposite the kitchen.Without sufficient marshals we won’t be able to run the regatta.

Many thanks for all your help
