Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

As you will all be aware, the regatta was cancelled at the weekend due to safety reasons and the decision on Thursday was justified as we haven’t seen the landing for two weeks. A great deal of effort was put in to make sure the event ran well but we will be calling on the offers of help again in September as we look to run a full event. Thanks for all everyone did in the meantime.

Last week it was confirmed that Joseph Adamson has been selected to represent GB at the Munich Regatta in May. This comes as the result not only of some impressive racing and testing at the Spring assessments in Nottingham but the season as a whole. A ‘magic’ combination was discovered when Joseph paddled with a boy from Tideway Scullers School and as a result he will race the single and the double at the pre-world championship regatta. This takes the clubs tally to four GB Juniors in two years with the prospect of at least two more in the summer. Joseph now becomes the first male to represent his country from CLS.

The Chronicle have run some very complimentary pieces in the ‘Grassroots’ section of the newspaper depicting the club and its growing success. Last Thursday we were mentioned and the week after the JIRR we should appear again, please keep a look out.

The club takes a record amount of athletes to the Junior Inter-regional Regatta in Nottingham then on Sunday we have Joseph Adamson and Eve Larsen both looking to get an invite to the ‘Crew Selection’ regatta in June, effectively if they get an invite, they should go on to represent GB at one of the events in the summer, but the higher they place at the trial on Sunday the more chance they will get of being selected. Please wish all of the juniors luck over this week as we prepare in earnest for a very busy but hopefully successful weekend in Nottingham (again).

Voting for the Parent’s Rep post has started as of today and members and parents can place their vote for either Mrs Lynne Warren or Mr Derek Dowson until Sunday. The voting box and forms are in the hall way in the entrance.

There is another initiative to raise money for the club, this time through crowd funding- please see the link below and encourage anyone to donate.

Many thanks