Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

After a stellar weekend, it’s been back to training in earnest and renewed focus and adjusting targets and crews for the rest of the season. Our first regatta looks to be Durham City on 12th and 13th of May with the focus mainly centred on the younger and beginner squads getting our undivided attention; there will be sessions on at the club as usual for the older squads.

The landing and steps are in the process of being repaired which should take no longer than two weeks so please be careful when going up and down. The club also has ‘Chester Flyer’ back in its usual spot after a refurbishment and it looks very shiny, it will be ready for use as of Wednesday after Brian has put it back together.

Many thanks to both Derek Dowson and Lynne Warren who offered their services to the club as parents’ representative (not the easiest of jobs) and congratulations to Derek Dowson who was elected over the weekend. As he is new to the role, please allow him some grace in adjusting to his new position then feel free to speak to him as parents with any issues.

Many of you may have seen the very comprehensive write up in the Chronicle yesterday in the Grass Roots section of the sport on Joseph’s success and the Inter-regional Regatta review- please make sure you wish Joseph luck as he travels to Munich on Thursday (he also passed his driving test last week too).

Congratulations to Bobbi Forster for winning a bronze medal at Strathclyde Park Regatta on Saturday and also to Angela Harrison and Rachel Lombard finishing 5th and 2nd in their singles finals too. Also, Dan Middleton (now of Durham University) won the men’s coxed four final beating Edinburgh University.

As regattas are coming thick and fast, the coaching team would appreciate it if you complete your children’s availability for the rest of the season, the link is below:
