Head coach weekly update

Durham regatta success

The club took part at Durham Regatta last weekend and managed (in relation to our own high standards) a very respectable nine wins over the two days.

On Saturday, there was a very impressive sculling display in top events from the club, claiming the j15 boys single, Roman Bowery, who also won the North of England Sculling Championship on Sunday winning by clear water in the category above. The boys j13 quad again impressed as William Craven, Brandon Balog, Aidan Crawley and Owen Hall, coxed by Alex Farley winning on the Sunday.

The women’s j15 squad were also unlucky as they progressed to most finals and just fell short, with Eve Wilkinson sculling all of the way to the final to race Caitlin Warren.

The boys j18 quad won in some style also with Bowery, Adamson, Graham and Slater showing that we can also win in big boats too. Ellie Hall and Molly Dowson won the j16 girls double on the Saturday with three great races.

Eve Larsen won the Championship singles on the Sunday with another all CLS final vs Bobbi Forster. There were many comments from the commentators and people on the bank about how great our club is and in particular how good the sculling is in small boats. A particular thanks must go to Brian Webb who masterminded our winning streak from the trailer making sure everyone was on time.

Master championships

The club is taking a strong squad the masters championships in Nottingham on Saturday and Sunday as we look to win a medal for the fourth year in a row at this event. Please wish all of the athletes luck in their races.

Park View rowing academy

The club is assisting the school to develop the academy in relation to rowing and have forged a strong link in an effort to get more rowers from the school on the water during the day. Holly Young is heading up this exciting link and will coordinate the sessions. She has already introduced four primary schools in the last two weeks in the search for the next rowing crop of children.

The Hermitage session

This much missed venue is to be attended again next week as exam season is over. Tonight is the last session we will be at the club using ergos and doing circuits.

Charlotte Craven – indoor rowing school games

Lottie will represent the North of England at the School Games at Loughborough University at the end of August. This is a four day event with the athletes living in a ‘mock’ Olympic Village. Well done and good luck.

Have a good week.