Head coach weekly update

GB vs France Trial Last Sunday

The club took a strong team to the annual trial in Nottingham in which both boys and girls seek selection for boats over one day and 1500m. The boys four, who prepared really well despite exams, finished fifth and 15 seconds off a place. The boys and girls pairs who had two j15’s in, finished in the top half of their respective orders and Molly Dowson in the single found some strong opposition from big clubs from the south – although they will be disappointed, some will get a second chance next year.

Talkin Tarn Regatta on Saturday

Please see boats and blades attached and the link to the draw below. Good luck to all who are racing and please be there at least one hour before your boating time.

Henley RR

We have various members involved at Henley Regatta this week with live streaming available (see link below). Please look out for Dan Middleton, Lauren Irwin and James Snowball who compete in their eights and a quad.


The AGM of the club takes place on Wednesday 18th July in the Boathouse and is open to all members aged 18 and over. Please make sure you attend if possible as there are many important issues to discuss and support including the club development etc.

Schools Liaison and Learn to Row sessions

Many thanks must go to Holly Young and Steve Holmes for their excellent work on Sundays and Wednesdays as they have had a record number of young people trying rowing for the first time and the numbers are looking very healthy as also the latest crop of graduates go into the main sessions.

Have a good week.