Head coach weekly update

Hermitage tonight, results from the JIRR, GB Junior team assessments and Durham City regatta is on the horizon…

Dear all,

The session at Hermitage tonight will be a 2k test for j14 plus with a big warm up and cool down. Under 14’s will be completing 2x 10 mins.

On Saturday the club took a record six crews who were selected from the regional trials, to Nottingham for the Junior Inter-regional Championships. This effectively is where the best crews in the country race and compete. Results as follows:

  • Dan Middleton and Niall Morris- mj162x, an excellent 2nd place in the semi, they failed to build in the final after some timing issues. A final
  • Jake Wood, Harry Graham, Jake Ellerington, Anna Wilson (cox) mj16 4+- 3rd in the semi, 5th in the A final, 5 times in a boat together, an excellent crew, well done.
  • Eve Larson and Katie MacMurtrie, wj152x- Solid 3rd in the semi, 2nd in the B final. Got better as the conditions did.
  • Bobbi Foster, wj15 1x- Nailed on medal going into the championships after being National Champion. Had the worst start I’ve seen in a while but recovered very well to storm back to 3rd in the semi in horrible conditions. 0.4 off the A final, but won the B final in a time that would have won a medal in the A final.
  • Luke Haswell and Thomas Dowson, mj14 2x. 5th in the semi, 5th in the B final. Despite Luke only learning to row in the winter, the looked excellent as a crew and did the club proud.
  • Joseph ‘7 trips’ Adamson, 2nd in the semi and won the A final to become Champion. Coped well in the conditions and took his opportunity in the A final against some strong opposition. Janousek beats Hudson (Skoda beats Ferrari).

Lauren Irwin took part in the GB junior team spring assessments on Sunday and finished a solid 23rd overall, the next stage is final trials where the GB team is selected (fingers crossed).

The entries for Durham City Regatta are going in tomorrow, and we now in the privileged position to not have all crews racing; exam groups will sit this one out. j11-15 and masters will take part a week on Saturday.
