Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Hermitage session this evening, another allcomers regatta on 26 July, entries for Talkin Tarn and 24 hour sponsored row over the summer…

Dear all,

The Hermitage session tonight will be 20x 1min session on the ergos with spinning etc.

The club will be holding another ‘Allcomers’ regatta on Sunday 26th July in an effort to give our new members some race experience (and have some fun too). If you are interested, please see your coach. They event should last from 9-12 again on the morning.

Attached is the CLS entries for Talkin Tarn Regatta this Saturday. The entries may not get any opposition so may not actually race, but this is what we have entered. Please be there at least one hour and 10 mins before your race.

The club is also looking to raise funds for a new double so, we are going to attempt to break the world record for the amount of people rowing continuously for 24 hours on the water. We need your help to sponsor us too; this summer.

