Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Thanks to juniors who have helped in the boathouse this week, Hermitage session tonight and a number of things to note of the coming weeks…

Dear all,

Many thanks to those juniors who volunteered their time this week to help, clean, fix and tidy things in the boathouse this week.

The session tonight will be a 2k test with a huge warm-up and cool down for everyone (aside the Br Champs crews, who will have a slightly more relaxed 2k), with circuits and spinning.

A few things to note over the coming weeks:

  • The session this weekend on both days are not happening for the juniors as all coaches are away in Scotland for the Junior British Rowing Championships (please wish all of the athletes good luck if you see them).
  • The CLS All-comers Regatta for July is happening on Sunday 26th from 9-12 in the morning so, if you or your child is interested in taking part, please email me.
  • The Sponsored 24 Hour row is happening on 21st August so please try to get as much sponsorship as possible in an effort to raise money for a new double. There is a £20 prize for the person who raises the most money…
  • Also, there will be no session on at the Hermitage on the dates below due to maintenance, though there will be sessions on at the club at the same time: 3rd August-24th August.

Finally, good luck to Harry Graham who is currently doing his World-Challenge Expedition to Thailand.

Many thanks,

Steven Thompson