Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Entries for upcoming heads and regattas, timetable for winter sessions, tickets for annual presentation night available, list of events we’re attending, new kit order, Simon will be collecting £20 float fee and congratulations to Brian, Joseph and Peter…

Dear all,

It’s been a very busy year for the club with probably the most man (or women) hours put in from volunteers certainly in my time at the club. There is a great deal of information to look at on this email and we have a few important dates looming so please see the list below:

  1. Attached are the entries for the up-coming Head and regattas till November. The coaches have done a great job in attempting to accommodate everyone so please reply and let me know if there is an issue.
  2. Attached is the timetable for the winter sessions. This will take effect when the light fails (usually when the clocks change in 5 weeks). The weekend sessions as of this Saturday will be slightly staggered; if your child is below j15, there is a slightly later start of 10am to ease congestion on the landing. If you have two children in different age groups, please just come to the earlier session.
  3. The club’s annual presentation night is taking place this year at the Emirates Cricket Ground (next to the Rowing Club). The poster for this event is on our Facebook page and the website. (see below)
  4. Tickets for our annual presentation night are now on sale. Details below and it should be a busy night at this cracking venue as we have done quite well this year:
    • 24th October from 7pm
    • tickets cost £16 and include a hot buffet with a disco (not the crisps)…
    • it will take place at the Emirates Cricket Ground (the one just next to us) in the Castle View Room
    • please see Bob Young or Lee Forster for your ticket
  5. Attached is the list of events that the club will be attending this year (make a note in your diary when planning holidays etc), see individual coaches about which squads will be going to National events.
  6. On Tuesday 15th of September there will be a brief meeting where the coaches will be giving a presentation on what our aims are for the season and to discuss plans for the winter. The meeting will be at the Hermitage session in the hall from 6.45-7.15.
  7. If you still have any outstanding sponsorship money from our 24 hour row, please make every effort to hand this to Bob Young asap.
  8. There is a new kit order being collected by John Bowery for those of you who wish to take advantage of the group discount that Godfrey offer. Please email me and I will pass you  on to John who will then organise the order.
  9. Simon Adamson (man with the delightful job of chasing race fees) will soon be collecting the £20 float for entry fees for regattas and heads, this money will ensure that there will always be enough in the club account to enter the online races. We are also now in the position to collect fees in advance as entries are now available and are attached.
  10. Finally, congratulations to Brian Webb, Joseph Adamson, Peter Harrison and the Club for being nominated for Sports Club of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Coach of the Year and Junior Athlete of the Year respectively, at the County Durham Sports Awards.
 Many thanks for this massive reading effort,
