Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Meeting for parents tonight at 6.45pm, Hermitage session tonight, £20 deposit and sponsorship money, tickets still available for the annual presentation and congratulations to Holly Young and Amy Fuller as they leave for University…

Dear all,

The meeting for parents (athletes welcome too) is tonight at 6.45 and should last for 30 minutes maximum. This is your chance to see what plans we have for the season and an opportunity for you to ask questions.

The session tonight is a 2k test for the junior girls and 2 x 5k pieces for the boys. The younger athletes will only do 1 x 5k.

Sessions will run as normal this weekend despite having most of he coaches away racing in Boston at the marathon.

Please (if you haven’t already) give Simon Adamson the £20 deposit for races this season and any sponsorship money to Bob or Lee.

Our annual presentation night tickets are still available…

Finally, congratulations to Holly Young (our out-going junior club captain) and Amy Fuller as they now go to York and Reading University this week; we wish you luck and thankyou both for all of the work you have put in to the club over the years.
