Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

Some excellent results from the weekend at Wansbeck LDS and SBH; every single athlete represented the club very well. Myself, not being there and seeing the racing first hand, I looked at the results and was impressed. The fastest female sculler of the day (not just juniors), the remainder of the girls squad were not far behind. The fastest boys j15 and 14 scullers as well as having the fastest junior boys double of the day. The second fastest boat of the day (despite technical problems). A solid performance from the j15 boys quad catching their main rivals from last year. The senior men and women were also outstanding and didn’t fail to perform as we attempt to retain the senior series prize for the third year in a row.

The session tonight is 2x 5k ut2 rate 22 for the boys squad. 1 x 5 for the j14 and under. After 54 participants last week, it was a very impressive showing.

Berwick Head is due to start on Saturday at 1pm. Please see attached the crews, boats and blades and below is a link to the BARC website and draw. We need to meet at 11 at the latest to allow plenty of time to boat- wrap up warm and ensure you take enough food and drink as there are limited facilities.



(Max Wilson is no longer coxing the nov 4x, Janice Herrod is)

(ps, if anyone is struggling for a lift, please let me know)


Telephone: 07791586283