Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

Please see attached the entries for Hylton Head on Saturday, the last in what seems to have been a million weekends of racing in a row. I have been impressed by the attitude in general of all athletes who have been willing to change plans and crews and step-in at the 11th hour to help the club. The times will appear for the race at the following link through the week:

Many people have impressed me this week with offers of help and continued support for the club. For example (they know who they are so they will remain nameless so as not to embarrass them), three people saved the club a great deal of time refurbishing all 15 of the ergos in the erg room and making sure they actually work. Two amazing individuals have helped the club to fund two new boats (an 8 and a quad) as well as someone giving innumerable hours fixing boats. As a collective, all of you contributing in someway to help fund our new double which is about to ordered.

Huge congratulations to those who took part in Durham LDS and SBH on Saturday not only to the winners (of which we had 10). I would also offer a big well done on behalf of the coaching team to those girls in the wj13 quad who won their first race.

The session tonight will be 2 x 5k at rate 25 for the boys then 5 x 1k for the girls.
