Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

The Hermitage session tonight will run as usual from 7 but there may be some disruption to water sessions this week due to the weather, the forecast doesn’t look great, but the river level is just about OK at present but not for training in the dark; there will be a session on at the club from 5 as usual but we may be doing some GB core conditioning tests. The boys ergo will be 2 x 5k rate 28 with 3 mins rest and the girls 15 x 1 mins.

Last weekend the club took 6 athletes to the GB junior trials, more than any other club North of the Thames (and only just), and it was commented upon how much of a hot bed for junior rowing the club was. With some impressive results and times the performances:

Eve Larsen 24th (2nd fastest j16 in the country), Lauren Irwin 31st, Bobbi Forster 79th, Faye Huntley 84th from 100+ junior girls.

Dan Middleton and Niall Morris 18th in the boys pair.

Some impressive rows with everyone looking to the next trial with the higher rate benefitting our athletes.

Rutherford Head entries are in for the 5th December, they will be on facebook through the week.

Many thanks
