Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

The session at the Hermitage School starts at 7 and will involve a 5k test with a warm up for the boys and 5k, 3k and 1k for the girls. There will be no water session tonight as the river is swollen and we will have to keep our fingers crossed for Thursday.

Please see attached a copy of the entries and boat for Rutherford this weekend, and as a result, there will be no session on Saturday unless the event is cancelled as it looks very windy… The timings, directions as well as notices regarding cancellations is below

We are also holding a compulsory capsize drill and swim test at Birtley Swimming Pool on  Wednesday 16th December from 7-9pm. Please let me or Colin know if you can’t attend so we can change our register as everyone who attends must be registered with British Rowing. If you have never done this before, it is basically a swim test in racing kit as well as having a boat in the pool and tipping you out.

If there are any issues please let me know.

Many thanks
