Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

After the weekend, the visiting GB Junior Coach had expressed his thanks to the club for making him feel welcome on Sunday morning and he was impressed by both our GB hopefuls and other junior members too.

This Saturday is Rutherford Head, though it looks as though the weather is against us again as there are 40 mph wind forecast; watch this space. Attached is also the crews and fees for the race, please pay Simon Adamson asap.

The Durham Small Boats Head entries are near complete and are attached as the race is on the 6th Feb (boats and crews may change in the coming weeks however).

I attended a very informative meeting yesterday that highlighted the dangers of supplements to athletes, junior and senior. There will be spot testing even at local regattas as of this season, and if you are unsure about any medication your son/daughter is taking (even as small as Lemsip), please contact the coaches or visit the website below. http://www.britishrowing.org/upload/files/Nutrition/PolicyontheUseofSupplementsDec09.pdf



British Rowing 6 Lower Mall, London, W6 9DJ 020 8237 6700 www.britishrowing.org info@britishrowing.org STATEMENT ON THE USE OF SUPPLEMENTS POLICY

Brian Webb, our Regatta Secretary, has asked me to give you the following information:

The club is hosting our regatta on April 16th this year, in order for it to run smoothly and be a big success we need volunteers to help with running of it, both before the event and on the day. So if you would like to help an initial meeting is being held on Wednesday 3rd February at 7pm in the Rugby club bar. If you can’t get on that night, but would like to help, please let myself or Bob know.  — Brian

Please let me know if you have any questions about any of the above.

