Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

A busy weekend ahead…

Ponteland Head happens this Saturday on the Tyne at Newburn. If you believe that you are racing please check the attached spreadsheet and then go to the website where the draw will be available to tell you when you need to be there. The race takes place over 2400m and will form a finishing race for some JIRR candidates, so as well as it being a big race, it’s also a BIG race. Please wrap up if it is cold and be there at least one hour and 15mins before your division boats. Colin Wood, Louise Heckels, Craig Dowson and Gordon Clark will all be there to help coach, as myself and Arran are racing in London. Website below…

The club will be holding a taster session for juniors in the holidays (Easter) Thursday 14th April 4.40-7pm at the club; poster attached. Please let everyone know who would be interested, I have posters that I can print off in colour if anyone needs one, it is also on the website. If any juniors or adults are free at that time, please let me know as we may need lots of help…

Last weekend saw the first round of the Sunday league take place on the Tyne and our crews performed particularly well with the men winning the majority of their races…

This weekend the Men’s first 8 travel to London to race at the Head of the River. Possibly one of the most important events in the season at least for the senior men, taking down no less than four of our Juniors to race, Jake Wood, Harry Graham, Dan Middleton and Niall Morris. This reflects a great deal of confidence in four boys who have really matured as rowers in the last few months, wish them luck if you happen to see them.

Also, a big weekend for three of our juniors, as their parents watch them jump from the Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough on Sunday as part of their World Challenge fundraising. Thomas Dowson, Harriet Adamson (double celebration as Harriet passed her driving test last week) and Anna Wilson were all confident enough to take the leap…

Many thanks,
