Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

Please see attached a list of crews and boats to be used at the regatta on Saturday. Below is a link to the draw:

The following is needed to help in the running of the regatta:

  • Tombola prizes are needed either to be brought on the day or given to Lee Forster before.
  • Regatta T-Shirts are for sale at 7 pounds each, please see Bob Young.

The day’s racing begins at 8am so if you are helping, please turn up as early as possible.
It should be an excellent day as usual though eyes to the sky as the river is a little higher than usual and there is a little rain forecast; keep fingers crossed.
Finally, another of our juniors has been selected to be part of the Durham Institute of Sport Award Scheme. Eve Larsen, the latest in a long line of juniors who have received this award, has worked hard and this is an appropriate award for her dedication and brilliant attitude.

We have a Learn-to-Row junior session tomorrow from 4.30. Please remind your children to still turn up in an effort to help out