Head coach weekly update

CLSARC_AllcomersDear all,

Firstly, apologies as the Learn to Row poster contained the incorrect dates and length. I have attached a pdf of the updated version for you to distribute. I also have some colour copies that I will bring to the Hermitage session tonight.

Secondly, congratulations to those members who won and raced well at Nithsdale Regatta on Saturday, five wins in total with many other finals. This was a chance for the younger end of the club who are just as able in their respective classes who performed magnificently, with Maximus K-V, Tyler O’Donnell, Amy and Dylan Hall to name a few with their first ever wins.

This weekend sees the club competing at Durham City Regatta and as a result there will be no session on for juniors at the club this weekend aside Arran’s squad. The draw and times will appear this week.

The Hermitage session will beĀ 5 x 750m rate 30 for the boys tonight.

Also, many thanks for your donations so far for the short-fall in our Regatta fund, greatly appreciated and generous.
