Head coach weekly update

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After what has been a busy few weeks for the club, the volunteers and coaches have only just managed to draw breath after the last event before another creeps up. Last weekend saw our total wins for the last 3 events rise to over 40…a record.

Hexham regatta took place on Saturday and again, all squads showed their strength winning 11 events managing to get the club the Victor Lodorum (most successful club of the regatta) for the third regatta in a row (only one official)

Lauren Irwin won senior pairs at the Metropolitan Regatta (regarded as the second most prestigious regatta of the season behind Henley Royal Regatta), the first CLS athlete to represent the club there and win since 2006. It’s not just the big winners and fantastic achievements of the category winners, the less noticed (by some) smaller wins and gains make the coaching team just as excited for the future, eg a 15 year old winning an elite event, two 13 year old girls pushing the fastest wj14 2x in the region in a big final, a j14 boys who only picked up an oar 5 months ago winning his first singles race…

Durham Regatta happens this weekend and our entries are attached. Please make sure you are there at least 1 hr 15 mins before your race. This event does charge for spectators (2 pound per day I think) so please tell your parents to bring some money just in case, though competitors are free.

The Hermitage session tonight will consist of 7 x 750m sprints.

A reminder that the deposits are due for Windermere this week.

