Head coach weekly update

facebook-kidsFour regattas in a row, 57 wins, four national medals at two of the only national events so far, there’s only been one event in the regatta season that we haven’t won the Victor Lodorum (most wins at the event) four out of five. Three championship wins at Durham regatta (all of them juniors) and one bow ball away from making it four!

Many other clubs, competitors and coaches have commented on our not growing but established reputation as the best club in the North. And the most important thing, (correct me if I’m wrong) we have a happy club. I said this on Tuesday to the club but I’ll say it again, despite all of the success, the coaching team would put just as much effort and focus in even if we just had one kid rowing at the club. I think that there is a real buzz about the place at the minute and we’re only just starting. In the words of our president ‘you don’t row at a club, you row for a club.’

Thanks must go to all of the parents and volunteers who made this weekend amazing as well as the rest of my coaching team, chairman Brian Webb. Also two outstanding performances from our masters at their National Championships. One of these was probably one of the most deserved results with Glenn Hall, Peter Harrison, Adrian Farley and John Miller winning a silver medal in the quad. These guys don’t only give their time to helping others at the club in various ways but also they can row.

It was also great to see many of our juniors who have gone to University racing and doing well (four I counted).

The Hermitage session tonight will be 5x 1k at rate 28.

The Talkin Tarn entries are also being formulated as we speak. Prompt paying of fees for Durham and Windermere would also be appreciated.
