Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session at Hermitage will be 30 mins free rate, Arran will let the girls know what they are doing.

This weekend is going to be busy, with the presentation night on Friday at the Chilton Moor and the Regatta on Sunday. Huge congratulations must go to all of our rowers who completed the Boston Marathon, special mention the Bobbi Forster who broke the course record for junior women and the category above by three clear minutes. Also the boys j184x- of Jake Wood, Harry Graham, Joseph Adamson and Tom of QE won the j18 trophy. The masters 4x- consisting of Adrian Farley, Glenn Hall, Peter Harrison and John Miller raced well finishing 2nd in their category and Keith Richardson ploughed a lonely furrow in the Masters single finishing in a good time.

Good luck to all of the members who leave to go to their respective Universities this week, remember to come back at Christmas.

Over the summer, the coaching team has really appreciated all of the hours put in by volunteers both at the adult learn to row sessions and with the juniors on a Wednesday- if I had room, I would mention you all.

The sculling series begins a week on Saturday and the entries have gone in and we have planned all of the races thanks to the availability you have filled in. The entries are now on the Facebook page.

Thanks in advance also for your offers of help on the day with the tombola prizes for the regatta on Sunday. I have attached the entry sheet.

Please tell me if you son/daughter has been missed, I have the power to add them on. The £2 is also due for each athlete so bring it to a session this week or give it to Simon who will bill you. Any offers of help to marshal/run the landing would be greatly received. Coxes will be added this week also.
