Head coach weekly update

facebook-kidsDear all,

The Hermitage session tonight is cancelled due to an open evening at the School so there will be a session from 7-8.30 at the club, circuit and ergos etc. There will be 2x2k’s for the boys. Normal service will resume next week.

The club ran the bite-sized version of our main regatta which was cancelled this year, and on Sunday I am glad to say that our event was a great success, and the club owes a great deal to the parents and coaches who volunteered their own time to help with catering, marshalling and running. Thanks to Colin Wood, Holly Young, Phil Carey, Phil Turner, Alan Morritt, Arran Lewcock and Gordon Clark for the physical organisation on the day. It was commented that the starting and marshalling was particularly more pleasant and organised than usual event with young racers said to be more confident due to the starter’s pleasant manner and helpful advice. The catering team consisting of Rachel Farley, Lynn Warren, Kay Hall and her Mum, John Bowery and others who really made a difference on the day complimenting the pleasant atmosphere. Thanks also to chairman Bob and Lee Forster for running the tombola and giving out the prizes.

The LDS and SBH info and draw is on the website link below along with the crews and boats from the previous email. To confuse you further, next week’s event at Tees is attached with info on the spreadsheet. Please note the fees and as we are in the process of five consecutive weeks worth of racing, please pay as promptly as you can.

Just a notice about trestles, please continue to take care of our boats as you do, but if you can ensure you don’t use private trestles that would be great. You never know, the owners may let you use them if you ask.

Many thanks