Head coach weekly update

facebook-kidsDear all,

The session tonight is 3 x 2k rate 24, 26 and 28.

The club had a brilliant day at Wansbeck LDS and SBH being the team with the most wins over both events (ten trophies in total). There were some excellent individual performances alongside some solid crews which have started to come together well over the close season. We had the fastest female sculler in both races (and second too) and fastest male in the morning. If this happened to be the JIRR trials, the club would have had seven crews selected alone highlighting how the younger crews are also putting their stamp on the region.

As well as this good news, the club is also pleased to see Bobbi Forster and Eve Larsen have been invited to the Great Britain Junior Training Camp in October, the initial step on the way to representing GB for a second year in a row, and in November the club will have a record 5 athletes attending the GB junior trials.

We are now in the thick of the Heads season and as a result, boats and equipment are regularly de-rigged and washed and moved. There is usually a slot on a Friday that is used to load both of our trailers and any help would be appreciated, even on a Thursday night please help de-rig, even if it isn’t a boat you are using. Below is the draw for the Tees LDS and SBH with race times at 10.30 and 2.30 (though the afternoon Facebook status suggests this has changed to 1pm, which is a little tight…).

The race fees and crews are attached and the crews for Berwick will appear on the Facebook pages later tomorrow for the following week.

This week and next week are the last weeks of the summer timetable; the crews on the water on a Tuesday and Thursday will be selected by myself and Arran.
