Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

It seems this week has seen the greatest amount of technical improvement on the water from the club as a whole. I think, as we have no races getting in the way, the juniors especially have made improvements this week on the water, in night and day time sessions.

Again, there seems to be lots of events happening over the following few weeks, least of all the capsize drill, Christmas party, training break and bag pack in December alone.

Please could you sign up for the capsize drill which definitely takes place on Wednesday 14th December at 7pm (be there for 6.40pm), via the link below, also ignore the date on the link it is as above I promise 😉. It is really important that you attend this no matter what age group you are in.

Link to Google docs

Colin and Arran have spent some time on Friday painting the corridor which will be the place where our honours boards will now live. Please take care when bringing bikes etc in and out of that part of the building as it is whiter than a white thing on a snowy day and will mark easily. There is now plenty of room at the front of the building to sit and relax.

The monthly training plans are now on the respective Facebook pages for squads.

Finally a huge thank you to Kay Hall and her team of caterers who have been keeping the parents and visitors happy, it has been commented how great their bacon sandwiches are by someone via email, so I thought I would pass it on.

