Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session tonight for the boys will be 30 mins free rate.

It seems that the next few weeks and months are going to be very full with racing, testing, trialing, towing, driving, coaching, oh and rowing too. The coaching team are currently putting together the entries for several events down the line as we need to plan far enough in advance that our regatta in April seems to be the next one… The athletes, junior and senior, have been working hard over the holidays as well as the committee in ensuring we maintain the momentum we picked up in 2016. Plans are afoot to extend our facilities, refurbish boats and form some interesting partnerships as well as the usual day to day running of this great place to row. More developments are coming, watch this space (and if you’re desperate, ask a friendly member of the committee, they love to talk about it).

We as a coaching team try our best to do as well as we can and maintain a positive environment for everyone to train and work in. We have busy sessions and sometimes we as adults seem to be too busy to talk and help with little things; please never feel this, we are never too busy to hear what any of you have to say. We pride ourselves as a group of coaches and a committee that we have the ability to help as many of you as possible, even with homework. We were once young athletes like yourselves…

Finally, this may have been over-played, but when your club does something special…


