Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session at the Hermitage tonight will be a 5kr26 for the boys, Colin’s group of girls will do 2x10mins free rate with a 2 min rest, 3x10mins for the girls in Arran’s squadr22, 24,26 3 min rest.

Durham Small Boats Head takes place on the 4th February and the entries are attached. Please pay Simon Adamson as quickly as possible please, envelopes will be no doubt on their way.

As we build towards the regatta season and races come thick and fast, we as a coaching team need to submit crews as early as possible as events fill up quickly. The JIRR trial entries are close to being finalised and the next event after that is our regatta in April. Please complete the links sent out to the Google drive when they are sent out.

Many thanks