Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session for the boys at the Hermitage will be 2 x 4k r 24 26.

I rarely get the opportunity to thank people for their hard work in person as we all rush around after sessions. Kay Hall and the catering team do a great job on a Sunday morning often in terrible conditions providing bacon sandwiches all for club funds. I would like to publicly and collectively thank her and the team as I have had around ten people this week pass on their thanks.

We as a coaching team are looking to make you as injury resistant as possible and I our experience, we think this starts with hamstrings. We are looking to employ new methods on a Tuesday to get you guys moving as flexibly as possible, starting with the link below and some work from the projector tonight. The teacher in me hopes that you all do this at home…

Finally, congratulations to Joseph Adamson who has been selected to take part in the GB J16 Training Camp during the Easter holidays, as a result of his impressive 5th place finish at the recent GB junior trials. Bobbi Forster will now take part in the next phase of the trials process at the April regatta (well done to you both).