Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The Hermitage session tonight will consist or ergs and circuits for all, the boys have a 5 k rate 30 test piece today with a lengthy warm up and cool down.

Last weekend saw the club competing at Durham City Regatta and performing very well, with the vast majority of our entries including under 15’s and seniors who were relatively new to the sport. Those who had their first races at CLS regatta moved on and again I believe that all of the juniors won at least through to their semi-s and made all CLS finals in most cases.

Please see the entries attached with crews and blades for Tees on Saturday – please note there will also be a session at the club at 9.30. Please be present at least one hour before your race and prepare as well as you can in relation to food and rest this week. The link for the draw and times is below when the draw is ready.

Below there are links to Hexham and Durham Regattas, so please complete asap. We are also looking to have a half day regatta in late summer at CLS, so watch this space.

Please also endeavour to pay the money for races in he brown envelopes and hand to Bob, Lee or Simon asap.
