Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session at the Hermitage tonight will be 12×1 mins on ergs for the boys as well as circuits for everyone.

Attached is the confirmed crews with boats for Wansbeck regatta on Saturday with fees also attached; please pay Simon as swiftly as possible as there is also money needing to be paid from last week at Tees also. The draw is also below so please ensure you are at the trailer at least one hour before your boating time.

As the adult squad seems to be growing, we as a coaching team see it only fair to try to improve this section as much as possible. To that end, there will be a coach in a launch at least on a Monday and Thursday from now on (we will look to extend this over the summer). Also, as the junior model we have works so well, we will be meeting on the steps at 7.10pm then administering boats to crews that are appropriate for both their aims and suitability to a boat. This is a start so please bear with us as we begin this new initiative. Please also remember that as my first coach said, “Coaching is a privilege, not a right”.

Finally, the club broke a record for the amount of wins in a day at a regatta at Tees on Saturday. Some excellent all-round performances with only a handful of rowers going home without a pot. Two crews lost their novice statuses, Caroline Ridden and Becca Batters winning the double after beating five crews, as well as the men’s coxed quad winning. Obviously I have a difficult task reviewing all 19 crews but a few that stand out for me were the men’s and women’s J15 4x’s looking technically as close to perfect as possible. I could mention the top three scullers that we have in the North east winning easily, or the dominant Dean Slater in his single win but the moment of the day for me goes to Adrian Farley who narrowly missed winning the single event, but seeing him win his semi final by the margin he did was great.

Please fill in the Nithsdale link – details on the Google doc, but this is for J11-14 athletes and adults. This is my favourite place to row and definitely worth the dive up.
