Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session tonight is on as normal but next week the session will take place at the Boathouse at 7pm instead as the school has an open evening.

This weekend was supposed to be our Autumn regatta aimed at j14’s and under and due to a lack of support from other clubs, we will be running a smaller-scale event starting at 8.30 (first race) and should be complete by lunchtime.

Hexham, Sunderland and Tyne are sending crews and as we wanted to run an event that gave our youngsters a chance to compete, we felt we had to push on and organise something. I will be issuing a draw tomorrow with timings etc but I will still need some helpers with boating and food as well as marshalling. I will put a facebook post out later and get some of you signed up at the Hermitage session tonight. As a result, the j15-18 squads will train on ergs with GB trialists (not confirmed as yet) will be on the water at 7.30 for an hour with the adults. Sunday will function as normal.

The coaches are working hard to finalise both the head entries and winter timetable as we speak, so please watch this space as next we is the last week that we intend normal water sessions to happen.

Finally, congratulations to Daniel Middleton who has been selected by Durham University to race at the British Senior Champs, stroking the top boat no less.
