Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

There were an impressive 15 wins at Durham LDS and SBH last Saturday with the juniors really making a huge statement about how strong our club is. 15 wins in a day for a Head is a club record. The list of winners is below:

  • Joseph Adamson J18 1x LDS J181x SBH (fastest man x2)
  • Eve larsen WJ18 1x, W1x (fastest woman x2)
  • Bobbi Forster W1x, WJ181x
  • Ellie Hall WJ16 1x
  • Roman Bowery J15 1x, J15 2x
  • Caitlin warren WJ15 1x
  • Caitlin warren / Molly Dowson WJ16 2x
  • Amy Hall / Emma Thornton WJ15 2x
  • Molly Dowson / Liberty Palmer / Lottie Craven / Ellie Hall WJ16 4x-
  • Amy Telford / Charlotte Payne / Sophie Allison / Antonia Mitchell / cox Alex Farley WJ15 4x+(LDS)
  • Amy Hall / Eve Wilkinson / Antonia Mitchell / Emma Thornton / cox Sophie Carey WJ15 4x+ (SBH)

Tees LDS and SBH will take place on Saturday and the times will be available on the website below at some point this week. Can you make sure you are there at least one hour before the boating time. The crews are attached.

The club Christmas party takes place on Friday 22nd December at 7pm at Fatfield Club, tickets are £10 and I have heard that the buffet is excellent. Please make sure you let Bob Young know if you can attend as there are a limited number of tickets available. Ideally so we can get a number for the caterers, please pay Bob asap.

Please continue to support our fundraising efforts over the next few weeks (links on previous email and our website).

We are also running a Junior Learn to row course which is free, starting on 19th November, please direct anyone interested to our website.

Many thanks