Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Sitting down planning the year and all of the events that will be happening throughout 2018 seemed very difficult last week, and a great deal of planning and organisation as well as sacrifice goes on behind the scenes at our ‘little big’ club, from committee to coaches and athletes. It seems as the club becomes bigger and more successful, the more that needs to be done to maintain momentum.

At the committee meeting last night there were a great number of things discussed and all of these highlighted how much of an enjoyable place it is to be, but if anyone is struggling with anything, no matter how small, please speak to a coach or committee member and we will try our best to help- that’s something that we are good at, not just the stuff that happens on the water.

Congratulations must go to one of our unsung heroes- Mr Bob Young, our super-chairman. Last week his tireless work was recognised by British Rowing as he was honoured with ‘Regional Volunteer of the Year’. The second award the club has received from our national governing body in the last two years. I would like to say a very heart-felt thanks to Bob who as you will know is very modest but he has helped me and countless others in ways that aren’t seen on the riverbank over the past eight years.

The sessions over the last few weekends have been great. We as a club are looking to set-up composite crews for the Junior Inter Regional Regatta, which does take a great deal of organising and for this I would like to thank the coaching team. Cambois, City of Sunderland and Talkin Tarn have visited this week and were impressed by not only the quality of the rowing but also the clubs hospitality.

The Durham Small Boats Head entries are attached and Simon will be letting you know how much you owe in relation to race fees over the next few days. There was a £1000 payment sent to Darc so please make sure you return the envelope with the race fees (attached to the email).

There will be no session taking place at the Hermitage School on 30th Jan and 6th Feb due to exams in the sports hall, but there will be a session at the club at the same time 7-9.

Please see below information from Simon Adamson regarding fundraising- please help if you can.

Dear Parent / Carer ,

In November the club gained charity status, and one benefit of this is to allow us the claim Gift Aid on junior membership (not family membership) for an under 18, this could give the club at least an extra £2000 per year.

Please can I ask that you fill in the attached gift aid form and return it to me.

I also have blank forms if you prefer.

Thank you in anticipation


Many thanks,