Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

Following a very busy weekend for the club after the dust has settled after GB Junior trials in Boston and Tyne Head which our masters crews competed in with improvement.

The junior trialists that we took to Boston who we hoped would really showcase the club well didn’t let us down. Eve Larsen finished in the top 12 scullers, Joe Adamson finished sixth in the men’s sculling trail too, those two results alone paint a very positive picture of the club but that wasn’t all…We took a chance as a coaching team with five athletes two of which were j15 (one year below the other competitors) and again any club would have been content with the older contingents performances but they all really showed their class and hard work put in from the Windermere training camp to after Christmas. Junior club Captain Molly Dowson finished 20th in her single on the Saturday which could put her in contention for a place at the GB j16 camp in Nottingham. Caitlin Warren also raced in her single finishing a very impressive 23rd and Ellie Hall showed great boat speed to finish 12th; we eagerly await the camp invites.

Sam Graham finished his first single race over 5k in 23rd position out of 43 j16’s and I think was the most unexpected of all the brilliant results. Roman Bowery showed his potential finishing a very impressive tenth in his single and again for a j15 this is outstanding. The doubles races in the Sunday were also very solid, Joseph and his partner from Leander finished tenth in their double, Eve third with her partner from Royal Chester RC, Roman Bowery seventh with his partner from Leander also, Molly and Ellie 20th and Caitlin Warren linked up with her partner on the Sunday also to finish 13th. The highlight for me was being chased by the Head Coach at Leander asking whether or not our two boys would race with theirs – it’s really like (in terms of resources) Manchester City wanting to loan a striker from Peterborough United…

John Reynolds has decided to step down from the club committee with immediate effect as he is unable to attend the club often enough to fulfil this role. On behalf of the club and our members, I want to thank John for his contribution to the club and wish him well for the future. John is always welcome at CLSARC and I’m sure we can look forward to seeing him around from time to time. This leaves the parents representative role vacant and while Chris Telford has stepped in temporarily, we need to look for a permanent replacement. Anyone wanting to put their name forward to be the parents rep should advise Bob Young by 27th February.

Please feel free to contact your child’s coach via email if possible if there are any questions around training/racing etc, we as a coaching team are attempting to wean ourselves off Facebook. Please see below (remember, these are only people who facilitate your child’s racing and direction for the season, your child may be coached in a session by any of these amazing people…

I was involved in a very exciting meeting last night (I know two words that don’t usually marry up), in which the Chairman outlined some very positive plans and help we are receiving from all sorts of organisations in extending the new boathouse and refurbishing what we have also. Legal documents are being signed and plans are being sorted out. Watch this space…

I have implemented a new session sign up on google in an effort to give the coaches a more clear idea of who will be attending sessions. The link is below and will be sent out on the Facebook page and email on Tuesday- please fill this in.

In order to get a better view of who can attend training sessions can you please provide junior availability for the coming week. Please submit a response for each junior. If your availability changes, please submit another response, and we’ll use the latest response.

CLS Regatta is nearly seven weeks away and as a result we are looking to plan as far ahead as possible. Please complete the link below to register your child’s interest in racing.

Finally, huge thanks to Brian Webb for giving up his weekend to make sure everything ran smoothly at Boston and to the rest of the parents and supporters for making the weekend great.
