Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session at the Hermitage tonight will take place at the club at 7pm as there are concerns about safety in the carpark with the weather conditions. The session at the club will finish at 8.30. The sessions on the water at 4 and 5 will still go ahead for those who can get there safely.

It has been a reasonably quiet week at the club in comparison to the last few weekends, the sessions on the water are lasting longer due to the light extending. There was another strong showing from the juniors at the NE indoor champs last Friday with 5 medals and the planning starts for CLS regatta in April.

Further to Facebook notifications, the changing rooms have been swapped. The male to female and vice versa. Please pay attention to the signs and make sure you only go there if you need to get changed.

As the weather doesn’t look great this week, we will have to update on sessions as we go and give enough notice so that people aren’t wasting journeys. Please watch Facebook and emails as well as the website for updates.

Finally some excellent news hot of the press, Lauren Irwin, who performed extremely well at the recent GB trials has been invited to GB Senior Team trials in April!!
