Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Hermitage session tonight, Hexham regatta success, Sunday league hosted at CLSARC on Sunday, Durham Regatta this weekend and good luck to our men at Masters on Saturday…

Dear all,

The Hermitage session tonight will be the usual circuits and spinning as well as ergos with Arran Lewcock.

The club came home on Saturday night after Hexham regatta with an excellent 10 wins. Four of these wins had all CLS finals and three of them were when athletes were racing two years ahead of themselves. Thanks to all of those who helped on a very windy day.

The club hosted the annual Sunday League event in the morning with thanks going to all of those who helped; it seems that it was a very successful day.

Durham regatta is on this weekend and as a result there will be no sessions on at the club. The entries and fees are attached so please see Simon Adamson with your money asap. The draw will be out this week.

The club is also taking part in the British Masters Championships too; please wish everyone good luck over the week as we prepare to juggle boats and crews…

Many thanks
