Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session tonight will be a 30 min at rate 22 for the boys and Arran has the girls plan and will inform you on the night. The usual circuits and spinning also.

The new training prog for the juniors is in circulation and details when the club is closed. Important dates below as well as the Christmas party:

  • The session tomorrow for the younger juniors will start at 6pm instead of the 5.30 as published on Sunday
  • The last session at the club will be on Tuesday the 22nd Dec at the club from 5-8. The club will then resume normal sessions on Saturday 2nd. We may add extra sessions in the time off also
  • The capsize drill will happen on 16th Dec 7-9 at Birtley Pool
  • The Christmas Party will happen at Burnmoor Cricket Club on Sat 19th Dec £5 per ticket inc buffet
