Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

the session tonight will be 4x2k for j15+ then two for the younger ones.

The club took around 20 juniors and 15 seniors to Cambois on Sunday mainly due to some frustrating conditions on our home water. Many thanks to Cambois for hosting us and allowing us to enjoy a cold but beneficial session on the river.

As many of you will be aware, Craig Dowson and Louise Heckels have both been added to our coaching team; there have also been some additions as Wayne Curry also returns, please see below the updated list of coaches for each squad:

  • Steven Thompson and Gordon Clark – MJ16-18
  • Wayne Curry and Steven Thompson – MJ15
  • Peter Harrison – MJ14
  • Craig Dowson – MJ11-3
  • Colin Wood and Louise Heckels – WJ11-14
  • Arran Lewcock – WJ16-18
  • Gordon Clark – Senior and Masters Men
  • Rachel Lombard – Women’s Coordinator

Many thanks
