
Our club is coached by an experienced and enthusiastic team of volunteers who dedicate time to developing the rowing of children and adults from a variety of backgrounds both in and around the local area. The club boasts ten coaches looking after over 160 members with a thriving senior, masters and junior squad.


Steven Thompson
Steven Thompson
Head Coach
Arran Lewcock
Club Captain

Chris Telford
Peter Harrison
Gordon Clark
Gordon Clark
Wayne Curry
Wayne Curry
Holly Young
Craig Dowson
Louise Heckels
Ellie Goodes

As a club, if you choose to come down at any time during the day, you will probably find someone rowing or coaching a session. We have sessions to suit even the most hectic of lifestyles with a family membership and associate memberships offered.

We have a boathouse full of boats, with a good mixture of eights, fours/quads, doubles and singles. With special thanks to Durham County Council, we now have access to a rowing machine training room with 15 concept 2 rowing machines as well as a weights facility. We also use the Hermitage School gymnasium on Tuesdays (with the use of 20 rowing machines) in a unique session that includes all club members from J11 to 50+ men and women training together.

Our coaches also have the use of a coaching launch which provides much needed confidence on the cold mornings and is an excellent tool for videoing and close coaching. The use of the video feedback facility is also very beneficial for all athletes in aiding development.