Request for Volunteers to help run the Club

Dear all members, by now you will all have seen the recommendations following the British Rowing Independent Panel report.

The club is determined to fulfil the recommendations of the Investigation panel to avoid disaffiliation and are confident that we can meet the deadlines that have been set.

One of the most significant recommendations in the report is that we are required to separate the roles of the Trustees (defined as directors in our Articles) and the Club Committee to provide clear understanding to all members which of the two entities is responsible for what.

We have already had many offers of help from members, and they are all very much appreciated. The more members that get involved the better the club will be equipped to deal with any issues that may arise in the future, whether that be in a formal officer role or an occasional panellist or subcommittee role.

The purpose of this communication is to clarify the roles of Directors and Committee members within CLSARC. There will be an Annual General Meeting in March 2022 (exact date to be confirmed) where all of the Club Officer’s will be elected and a number of Directors will also be elected/re-elected.

Level of commitment required

This is a very difficult prediction to make the level of commitment and dedication that has been shown by the club officials over the last 3 to 4 years has been nothing less than phenomenal but the club is looking to move on and move into a more typical pattern.

The Directors will meet regularly hopefully on a three monthly basis on dates set by the managing Director.

The committee will meet at regular intervals hopefully on a monthly basis on dates set by the secretary. Sub-committee meetings will be arranged as needed to provide feedback to main committee and trustees.

Skills required

We are very reluctant to define anything specific because we believe that everyone has something to offer the club. As much as anything we need volunteers that are willing to support the club in any way that they can as and when it is needed.

Specifically, the club management team would benefit hugely from any volunteers with Legal skills, Procedure writing and auditing skills, Governance skills (ideally with experience of liaising with governing bodies) experience of managing a small business, social media and public relations experience.

The following list describes the typical roles of club officers in CLSARC – it is not an exhaustive list and there may be other roles on some occasions.


The directors of the club are appointed by the members at the AGM and serve for a period (typically 1 to 3 years – depending upon the number of directors elected) before offering themselves for re-election or resigning as a trustee on a rotational basis.

The Managing Director of the club is elected by the Directors at the first Meeting of the Directors after the AGM.

The Directors shall set the direction for the club and are legally responsible for managing every aspect of the business of the charity and may exercise all the powers of the charity.

The Directors depend on the club committee and sub-committees to manage the day to day running of the club and to discuss and report on club policy and developments within the club. Directors have the right to attend/support any committee or sub-committee meeting.

The main committee shall consist of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and other officers as deemed necessary, together with ordinary members. The committee shall have the power to co-opt up to four further members, but co-opted members shall have no right to vote at committee meetings.

Duties of committee officers


The Chair will liaise directly with the Directors on any matters concerning Governance.

  • Support the efficient running of the club
  • Chair regular committee meetings and annual general meetings (AGMs)
  • Help others to understand their roles and responsibilities
  • Develop and follow a club development plan
  • Represent the club at local and regional events
  • Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children at club level
  • Make sure there is an understanding of the legal responsibilities of the club to which the club complies
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Deal with grievances and disciplinary cases
  • Attend any other sub-committee meetings as required


The Captain will be responsible for training, coaching and representation of the club in competitions.

  • Act as the first point of contact for club officials, volunteers, young people and parents, for any issue concerning coaching within the club
  • Help with organisation of fundraising events (for example bag packs, socials and regattas)
  • Work with head coach to develop squad structure and coordinators
  • Responsible for boat allocation and hire
  • Work with the coaches and head coach in the preparation and running of each session
  • Co-ordinate the organisation of the annual training camp with committee and coaches involved in the running of it
  • Attend and take active role in club committee meetings
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Maintain and develop policies and procedures
  • Inform treasurer of any new members or members leaving the club
  • Take on responsibility for other committee members when they are not available.

Club Welfare Officer & Safeguarding Officer

  • Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and vulnerable adults at club level
  • Assist the club to implement its safeguarding children and vulnerable adults plan at club level
  • Act as first point of contact for everyone where concerns about a children’s or vulnerable adult’s welfare, poor practise or abuse are identified
  • Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures
  • Maintain contact details for the local children’s social care department, the police and local safeguarding children board
  • Promote the clubs best practice guidance/code of conduct within the club
  • Represent welfare on the club’s committee
  • Make sure that they adhere to the club’s safeguarding children training
  • Make sure that appropriate level of confidentiality is maintained
  • Promote anti-discriminatory practice
  • Attend and take active role in club committee meetings
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Maintain and develop policies and procedures
  • Take on responsibility for other committee members when they are not available.


  • Act as the first point of contact for club enquiries
  • Organise and attend key meetings (including Annual General Meetings)
  • Take and distribute minutes
  • Delegate tasks to committee members
  • Deal with all correspondence
  • Attend to affiliations
  • Make sure that insurance is up to date and relevant
  • Maintain up to date records and reference files
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Maintain and develop policies and procedures
  • Take on responsibility for other committee members when they are not available.


The treasurer will be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all monies belonging to the club and will keep proper accounting records of all transactions. The Club accounts will be professionally audited on an annual basis by the club’s business advisor/accountant and the Treasurer will present to the members at the AGM a balance sheet and income and expenditure account showing the clubs financial position and the results of its transactions for the year. The transactions of the club will be conducted through a bank account and will require two signatures from any of the following: the treasurer, the chair, or the secretary.

  • Manage the club’s income and expenditure in accordance with club rules
  • Produce and end of year financial report
  • Make sure that annual accounts are independently reviewed
  • Regularly reporting to the club committee on all financial matters
  • Efficient payment of invoices and bills
  • Propose amendments to membership fees
  • Deposit cash and cheques that the club receives
  • Keep up to date financial records
  • Attend and take active role in club committee meetings
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Maintain and develop policies and procedures
  • Take on responsibility for other committee members when they are not available.

Head Coach

  • To take full responsibility for the club’s junior coaching sessions at the club and Hermitage sessions
  • Maintain high ethical standards in coaching/instructing, make sure they keep up-to-date with their knowledge, skills and qualifications and prepare all sessions in advance
  • Undertake training appropriate to the role e.g. child protection training
  • Work with the coaches and club captain in the preparation and running of each session
  • Attend junior club meetings and report on progress
  • Offer the club feedback on the organisation and degree of success of junior coaching and competitions
  • Assist in the selection of teams
  • Travel to competitions with the junior team(s)
  • Attend and take active role in club committee meetings
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Maintain and develop policies and procedures
  • Inform treasurer of any new members or members leaving the club
  • Take on responsibility for other committee members when they are not available.

Safety Officer

The safety officer will be responsible for; giving safety advice to the club, to produce safety plans, review safety and incident data. The officer will also ensure that the club follows up to date safety plans from British Rowing and the Northern Rowing Council.

  • Assist the club to put in place policies and implementation plans for managing safety in the club and at events
  • Act as the first point of contact for club officials, volunteers, young people and parents, for any issue concerning health and safety within the club
  • Make sure that all accidents and incidents are correctly reported in accordance with British Rowing guidelines, and help the club with trend analysis of near misses and accidents
  • Make sure that club’s safe systems of work are employed by maintaining up-to-date risk assessments and associated policies
  • Ensure confidentiality is maintained and information is only shared on a ‘need to know’ basis
  • Organise any safety training for club or individuals
  • Attend and take active role in club committee meetings
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Maintain and develop policies and procedures
  • Take on responsibility for other committee members when they are not available.

Membership Secretary

The membership secretary liaises with the Captain and Head Coach and is the first point of contact for any individual wishing to join the club. The membership secretary is responsible for getting committee approval for any prospective new members prior to their application being accepted.

  • Maintain an accurate record of all members of the club, including the type of membership each member holds
  • Provide details of new members and leavers to the treasurer, so that membership fees can be organised

Fundraising Officer

The Fundraising officer is responsible for the co-ordination of any fundraising activities within the club and report to the committee one any fundraising opportunities, initiatives or suggestions form members or the outside community

  • Act as first point of contact for all fundraising activities of the club
  • Identify potential funding sources
  • Make applications for funding
  • Report to chair and treasurer on successful applications for funding, including any restrictions on its use
  • Maintain fundraising log
  • Regularly report to the club committee on all fundraising matters
  • Attend and take active role in club committee meetings
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
  • Maintain and develop policies and procedures
  • Take on responsibility for other committee members when they are not available.

Regatta entries admin

  • Obtain entries for regattas from head coach / club captain / senior rowing representative
  • Submit entries to British Rowing, via the BROE2 system. This includes payment of regatta fees using the club debit card.
  • Provide a list of entries to regatta fees admin, treasurer, head coach and club captain, so that they can be issued and collection of regatta fees can be done

Regatta fees admin

  • Collect regatta fees based on information provided by regatta entries admin
  • Maintain a log of outstanding regatta fees and racing deposits
  • Provide treasurer with monthly update of outstanding fees, so this can be included in the monthly forecast.

Data protection secretary

  • Respond to any data subject access requests (DSARs)
  • Perform collection of relevant personal data in relation to DSARs and arrange for the secure issue of the data to the subject of the DSAR
  • Maintain the data privacy and data protection policies, in line with the general data protection regulation (GDPR)
  • Liaise with the Information Commission Office (ICO) where there is a data protection issue
  • Keep trustees, committee members and coaches up to date with data protection requirements.