Month: May 2016

Hexham regatta crews, fees and times

Crew list and fees for this weekends Hexham regatta. Five entries were not accepted, so please check you still have an event. In addition, please make sure that your fees are paid by Saturday

Wansbeck crews, fees and times

Crew list and fees for this weekends Wansbeck regatta. Please make sure that your fees are paid by Saturday

Head coach weekly update

Details for Wansbeck regatta this Saturday (and fees due), entries for Hexham will be available today, please provide your availability for Durham (if you have not already) and fantastic results at Tees last weekend with 13 wins

Availability for Hexham and Durham regattas

If you have not provided your availability for Hexham, can you provide it. Can you also provide your availability for Durham regatta on 11 and 12 June

Tees regatta crews, fees and times

Crew list and fees for this weekends Tees regatta. Please make sure that your fees are paid by Saturday.

Hexham availability is now open

Please provide your availability for Hexham regatta

Head coach weekly update

Hermitage tonight, Tees regatta draw, Wansbeck regatta entries and exciting times ahead

Head coach weekly update

Hermitage tonight and great success for our junior rowers at Durham City regatta last weekend

Durham City Regatta Times etc

Please see attached our list or entries, crews, times and fees for the regatta tomorrow. Please ensure you are there at least 1 hr 15 mins before your race

Durham regatta fees due

I’ve attached the list of fees, can you all make sure these are paid before racing on Saturday or Sunday, to either Lee, Bob, or myself
