Month: January 2018

Head coach weekly update

Busy time at the moment, Durham SBH this weekend, no sessions at the Hermitage for the next two weeks (session at club instead), solid performance by our seniors last weekend at Tyne United and regatta meeting planned for Wednesday 7 February

Head coach weekly update

Hermitage session tonight, reminder to pay your fees for Durham SBH this week, sign up for the club website if you haven’t already, thanks to Chris for a productive parents meeting on Sunday and potential good news on re-development funding

Head coach weekly update

Reflection on the year ahead, congratulations to Bob Young on being awarded regional volunteer of the year, preparations for JIRR trials continuing, entries for Durham SBH available, no sessions at Hermitage on 30 January and 6 February due to exams and request for claiming back gift aid on our junior memberships

Head coach weekly update

Entries being finalized for Durham SBH and JIRR trials so watch this space, we have a new gazebo, Victoria Bryant has been refurbished with two more boats being refurbished as we speak and Hermitage tonight
