Month: December 2016

National recognition for club

CLSARC pick up Coaching Team (winner) award at British Rowing 2016 Volunteer and Coach of the Year Awards

New WADA Prohibited List from January 2017

The new World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list will come into effect on the 1st January 2017. British Rowing has adopted the UK Anti Doping Agency (UKAD) anti doping rules, so it’s the responsibility of everyone in the sport, especially athletes and coaches to ensure they are up to date with what is on the list and to ensure we keep the sport clean

Another weekly update

Capsize drill moved to 21 December, Windermere camp is full, don’t forget to register for the bag pack and slight change to the Christmas timetable

Head coach weekly update

Great technical improvements over the last couple of weeks, especially for the juniors, please register for the capsize drill on 14 December, the corridor has been painted by Colin and Arran, and space has been cleared next to the ergo room, and thanks to Kay Hall and her team of caterers for the bacon sandwiches on a Sunday morning
