Head coach weekly update

blade_clsarc_3Dear all,

The session at Hermitage tonight will consist of a 30 minute ergo at rate 20 for the boys. Many thanks to those of you who attend this sessions as last week we had a record 57 attendees…

Both Bobbi Forster and Eve Larsen attended the GB camp over the weekend and have done very well. I believe that they have again added to our reputation with the national squad organisers and realise that they can represent GB again this season.

Another huge well done to those who raced in testing conditions as again the club walked away from Berwick LDS with the most wins. six trophies in total, with the juniors performing well as usual and the highlight, the fastest women’s sculler, Rachel Lombard.

The winter timetable is now in action and is on the Facebook groups as well as the notice boards. If your child is training in the dark, I would remind you that they must have lights and reasonably bright clothing. The coaches have taken the best of care in planning the water sessions in the dark so if the conditions are too extreme, we won’t train. Please also make sure that your child brings a clean pair of ergo trainers or that theirs are clean in the training room as we have recently replaced the floor.

Please find attached a list of crews racing at Tyne on Saturday and Hylton the following Saturday.

If changes need to be made, please let me know, and also ensure Simon of Lee receives race fees asap. I have also placed the link below for the draw and boating times and places. Please be there at least 1 hour before your boating time with wellies and plenty of warm clothing. The Durham entries have also been put on the system so please keep an eye out on Facebook. (Boating from 8.45 for a 10.30 race start, so be there for just before 8) The side that we are boating from has not been announced as yet…

There is a great deal going on at the moment and a lot of exciting stuff ahead over the coming weeks…
