Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

After what seems to have been 100 weekends in a row racing, there is a bit of a lull after Saturday which means a chance to train more. I for one have really appreciated all of the effort that all athletes, parents and trailer drivers have put in over the last six weeks, and I believe that we must be close to winning both senior and junior overall prizes for the series. The draw and crews are attached. Also please note there are no boating times as yet, a pain I know but they will appear on the Durham website or NE rowing in a day or so…

On behalf of the committee I would like to announce that Julie Lewcock is to be given the position of joint President of CLSARC alongside Bob Heywood. Julie started her association with the club 12 years ago as a parent and in that time she has been of great service to the club as head of leisure services.

Rutherford Head has closed their entries one month before the race day, which is very early, though it reflects the popularity of rowing in the NE at the moment, if we do manage to get any entries in then I will let you know. Also for info, I received an email from the race organiser suggesting that no j15 boys or girls are allowed to race; your son or daughter may be used as a cox however.

As we have so many new members of varying ages, John Reynolds is looking to collect kit that is in good condition and donate it to those members who have recently joined. Please pass on any kit from CLSARC hoodies to racing kit in John’s direction or leave it at the club in the tea room.

Hylton LDS last week was another successful day with the club gaining another five wins in some tough conditions.
