Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

On the outside this weekend and indeed this week seems to have been a quiet one. Last Saturday and Sunday were the first sessions in a good seven weeks where we have been able to train and coach as opposed to racing. On the inside, the club has been working hard to improve the facilities of the building, with our Chairman and committee looking for funding to help with the building improvements, the coaches have been planning the new year and there will be meeting tonight with squads and coaches at Hermitage in an effort to make sure we have set crews for the coming months after the sculling series success. The club has also purchased a new Wintech single via a grant from some very generous councillors who have recognised our success.

The Hermitage session tonight will be 5k rate 22 with a light stretch for the boys, the girls need to check their plans.

Please wish Bobbi Forster, Dan Middleton and Andrew Cairns who go through the first round of GB testing on Saturday in singles. We also wish a speedy recovery to Eve Larsen who is currently recovering from an injury and has already started very light work in the pool to be ready for the new year.

A reminder that the Christmas party is on 17th December at Burnmoor Cricket Club – tickets from Kay Hall. Also please sign up for the Sainsbury’s bag pack.

Many thanks