Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The Hermitage session will take place as usual today at 7pm as well as the water session at 5pm. The ergo for the boys is 3x2k r 22, 24, 26.

Looking at the calendar for January and into the following month, the club has a great deal to look forward to and to that end we must make sure we are as prepared as possible with regard to events. Please do fill in the links for each race and event as quickly as possible when they appear on the Facebook pages and indeed via email too. The closing of entries is becoming more and more close to the opening as events fill quickly and we don’t want to miss out. The following links are still active and will close this week as coaches look to put crews together one month in advance of the event.

Many thanks must go to everyone involved in the capsize drill, bagpack and sessions over the holiday with various fundraising events looming. In relation to fundraising, if any member, junior or older, would like to help in fundraising either with ideas or direction, please see Bob Young or Lee Forster as we are actively seeking individuals to assist.  For example, recently Megan Turner raised £60 simply by organising and delivering an idea she had very effectively. Please email me if you would like more information and I can pass it on.