Head coach weekly update

Dear all,

The session for the boys squad is 30 mins rate 24 on the ergo, for Colin’s girls squad, a 15 minute free rate piece and Arran’s group, 15 x 1 mins with 1 min rest as per their programmes.

The draw for the head at Durham has not yet been released and as a result, we are waiting on precise timings etc. But the first division begins at 8.45am so at the latest, to rig up boats, we need to be there at 7.45am. Div 2, 3 and 4 start at 11, 1.15 and 3.30pm. The rule of thumb is be there ready to race at least one hour before race times. Myself, Colin, Arran and Peter will be in Henley on the day so, Gordon, Craig, Louise and Lee are your points of contact for crews etc. Brian will be there also. There have been a few changes to the entries due to personel now not being available and licenses so please see Facebook for updates (if you don’t have access to Facebook then speak to your coach).

The link to the DARC website is below to watch for the draw:

It was great to see four CLS members representing their Universities at the Durham University joint Head at Tyne on Saturday; we certainly are spreading out.

Many thanks